I'm sure there are many out there that are facing the potty training challenge, well let me just say, I am most definitely right there with ya! My 2 year old, has enjoyed sitting on her potty for quite some time, probably almost a year. We have had a few successful bathroom trips, but mostly, she is just refusing to actually do her business on the toilet. instead, she will tell me right after she's gone, that she's "poopy", or she will just take off her diaper. When she starts the sequence of shedding her diaper, it's almost impossible to keep one on her after that, no matter how long after she's gone. So what to do? Beats me! I'm highly stuck! She is now getting to an age where she is actually understanding what I'm telling her, so maybe we are actually close. It's just incidents like the one that just happened, where she's refusing to keep a diaper on her butt, and she chooses to do her business on the floor instead, that gets me frustrated! Do I try the potty training boot camp? Or do I just wait until she actually recognizes the signals before going? Like I said, we've got the AFTER "I go potty" down perfectly, just not the before.
Any and all suggestions are highly welcomed.
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